Algae: What is it and how can it affect a human?
This is a brief read and understand on algae and cyanobacteria focusing on both cell structure and affects on humans. Curriculum download is a PDF version of this information sheet.
This is a brief read and understand on algae and cyanobacteria focusing on both cell structure and affects on humans. Curriculum download is a PDF version of this information sheet.
Wild rice is a keystone species in the ecosystem. If it were removed, many other species would be negatively impacted. In our region, it is being threatened by a number of different factors, a couple of which, purple loosestrife and Canada geese, will be covered in this lesson. Students will act out a small scale ecosystem in order to learn about the issues facing wild rice in our area. Curriculum download is a lesson plan with which to run this lesson.
Students will gather items they can find in nature to put as parts in a cell. The catch is that students must explain why that item represents the cell organelle by using metaphors, similes, or other explanations. Prerequisite: Students must have a firm understanding of cell parts and functions. This lesson would be great as a unit wrap-up lesson. An example would be that an acorn could represent a vesicle because it transports seeds to other places in a protective casing like a vesicle transports proteins in a cell. Curriculum download is a PDF version of the lesson plan. The Supporting File download is a PDF document with cell part labels.
Students will discover the importance of Manoomin to the region and uncover a mystery about who has been eating the wetland plant. The Curriculum download is a PowerPoint slideshow teaching guide that has all the links you need to run the lesson with your class.
The attachments below are a "student copy" and a "teacher copy" of a guide to each exhibit at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth, MN. One purpose of this resource is as a school research project kick-off for students and their teacher. Another is developing a teaching unit, using student inquiry as your guide. This resource may also be used for digging in deeper to the exhibits through teacher-guided discussion, partner-group discussion, or individual reflection. The curriculum download is a PDF of the 'teacher copy'. The supporting file is a PDF of the 'student copy'.
A wonderfully crafted scavenger hunt for a no-fail outdoor experience with your students. The curriculum download is a PDF version of the scavenger hunt.
Students will construct a large map of a place of their choosing. This place will be divided into smaller sections using a string/flag grid system. Each student will take their time to create a map of one portion of the grid to be put together into a larger whole. The curriculum download is the plan for this lesson.
Get out in your own backyard and see what's going on! Open up the Nature Nibble curriculum to take a look at what might be going on outside your window. Use the Nature Nibble Links document to open up a YouTube video to watch and some animal sounds to listen to before you go outside. Be sure to look around for other things happening outside your window and either write them down or draw them in your journal. Get out there and have fun! --Curriculum file is an Early Spring Worksheet-- Supporting file is a sheet with links to early spring bird sounds and other early spring natural phenomena.
Get out in your own backyard and see what's going on! Open up the Nature Nibble document to take a look at what is going on outside your window. Use the Nature Nibble Links document to open up a YouTube video from Ms. Deanna to watch before you go outside. Be sure to look around for other things happening outside your window and either write them down or draw them in your journal. Get out there and have fun! --Curriculum file is a Buds Worksheet -- Supporting file is a sheet with a link to the video lesson
Get out in your own backyard and see what's going on! Open up the Nature Nibble document to take a look at what might be going on outside your window. Use the Nature Nibble Links document to open up a YouTube video from Alyssa to watch before you go outside. Be sure to look around for other things happening outside your window and either write them down or draw them in your journal. Get out there and have fun! --Curriculum file is an Insects Worksheet -- Supporting file is a sheet with a link to the video lesson