Mission & Objectives

Rivers2Lake integrates the Lake Superior watershed into education as a foundation for engaging place-based learning, Great Lakes literacy, stewardship and watershed restoration.


  1. Educators who participate in Rivers2Lake engage in a supported change process with professional mentors, resulting in career-long confidence in, and commitment to, using outdoor and inquiry-based learning focused on Lake Superior.
  2. Rivers2Lake teachers integrate place-based information and data, educational materials, regional experts and a personal understanding of the Lake Superior Watershed into curriculum, resulting in engaging educational content that improves Great Lakes Literacy.
  3. Through learning and stewardship actions focused on the Lake Superior Watershed, students in Rivers2Lake classrooms demonstrate understanding of the Great Lakes, develop a stronger sense of place, and an increase their commitment to stewardship.
  4. By participating in outdoor and inquiry-based learning experiences with Rivers2Lake teachers and mentors, students in Rivers2Lake classrooms demonstrate improved academic learning and engagement.
  5. Rivers2Lake fosters the development of a dynamic and expanding professional learning community of teachers, non-formal educators, natural resource professionals and others committed to Great Lakes-centered learning.

Rivers2Lake is the Teachers on the Estuary program of the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve.  Teachers on the Estuary provides programs nationwide across the Reserve system that help teachers explore coastal habitats and conduct field investigations, interact with local scientists and experienced coastal educators and bring local and national data into the classroom.

Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve Logo